The RGB indicators are very helpful to determine the cause of connection issues. Please see "BT and USB indicators" section in the Glove80 User Guide.
To activate the RGB indicators, tap the MoErgo key (also known as the Magic key) on the left side.
The RGB indicators can tell you :
- Which device Glove80 is currently sending the keystrokes to
- Which of the Bluetooth Profiles are paired, and which of the Bluetooth Profiles are connected
To debug a connection issue, try the following steps:
- Use the RGB indicator to determine which device (i.e. USB or Bluetooth Profile) Glove80 is sending the keystrokes to. Look for the thumb key with a white LED.
- If the device Glove80 is sending keystrokes to is different from the device you want, try switching to that device as described in "Selecting BT Profile and USB-connected device" section of the Glove80 User Guide.
- Check the RGB indicator color of the device you want to send the keystrokes to. The color should give you a good idea why Glove80 is not sending keystrokes to the device you want to send to.
- If Glove80 indicates that the desired device is not paired, then try pairing procedure as described in "Pairing with a BLE host" section in the Glove80 User Guide.
- If Glove80 indicates that the desired device is paired but not connected, then it is possible that the other side has Bluetooth turned off or otherwise lost the Bluetooth pairing information. Try the "Troubleshooting" subsection of the "Pairing with a BLE host" section in the Glove80 User Guide.
NOTE: Bluetooth BLE uses 2.4 GHz microwave which is primarily line-of-sight. If the BLE path between the host and the left hand of Glove80 is blocked by a conductor (such as a metal case) or something with high water content (such as a hand or a cat), the signal strength will decrease. Other common issues include missing BLE antennae on the PC.
NOTE: If you are dual-booting with multiple OSes, very specific setup configurations are required. Please see ZMK documentation for more details.